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As a group of 4 marketing students we have been asked to put together a blog about stage fright. On a daily basis we will have postings for you related to our topic and show videos, survey questions, and some things you can do to overcome stage fright when your at school,the work force, or any type of environment.

Mike, Jeff, Chris, Bryan

Tuesday 12 March 2013

Don't Always Be Self Conscious

Are you being Self Conscious? scared of what others might have to say about you? what are they thinking of you? whats the point? It doesn't help anyone, whether its you, your friends, your parents, anyone. 

Why should you be worrying about what other people think? Doing so just shows others that you don't have any love for yourself which in turn they sense that weakness and it makes yourself an easy target for judgement and criticism.What you choose to do and say is up to you and it should not matter what others have to say about it. If it makes you happy then d it! Don`t think of yourself as a fool because others judge you because of your wanting to feel good. Always be aware of yourself if you are being self conscious because it is a serious thing. Never doubt yourself. Always strive to get what you want when you know it will make you feel good about yourself. 

That being said, here are a few ways to counter act being self consciousness. Follow these steps and youll NEVER have to worry about what others have to say again. 

  • Get the facts straight. In a situation where you are under the "spotlight", recognize that not everybody is surgically picking out every detail you say, whether its a presentation, board meeting, etc. 
  • Decrease your incidences where you get self conscious feelings. How that can happen is by being more prepared for public situations. Mentally preparing yourself goes along way, and it can help you fight your battle with self consciousness. 
  • ALWAYS think positively. Never have a strain of doubt or negative thoughts what ever the situation. always believe you can do it, because you can. anybody can. You just need to have that sense of want. 
  • Fight your fear. Go up there thinking you will be alright. Not everybody is knit picking your every move so cut out thoughts that you might be doing something wrong. With that, what people think of you should not matter regardless. You are you because of you. You do things to make yourself happy, not to make others happy. 

Monday 11 March 2013

Stage Fright: How to have a successful presentation

Many successful presentations follow the acronym A-E-O-M-I-S-S-S


What’s A-E-O-M-I-S-S-S?



·         Do you know your audience?

·         What makes the audience happy? Pictures/videos, Quotations, ideas, Candy/prizes

·         What bores the audience? Stating the obvious, too much info, too little info


·         Use the right volume so your audience can hear you clearly

·         Act like you have a passion for the topic

·         Do not stand in one position

·         Be confident and engaging


·         Have an intro, body, conclusion

·         Sate the big and interesting points up front

·         Have something you want your audience to take away from this presentation

·         Use power point slides


·         Use a variety of material

·         Have handouts, illustrations, videos, props or examples


·         Understand where the audience is in regards to your topic

·         Adapt your style of talk to your audience

·         Keep track of what the audience says and in turn relate it in your presentation


·         Your audience expects or already knows how you are going talk ex. Walk through 25 slides

·         Break this expectation by doing something completely unexpected like using different presentation software, getting them involved etc.

·         Be creative !


·         Practice hand-offs with other presenters

·         Do not hide behind the podium

·         Make eye contact with your audience


·         Are you aware of how your acting? Ex. Hand movements, saying “ums, “ahs” etc.

·         Do you know how the audience is responding to your presentation? Are they bored? What parts are they more attentive to?

·         Use body language and clues to keep track of the audiences response
All in all, In order to have a successfull presentation use AEOMISSS in order to get you to success !!!!

Don't Follow This Guy !


Friday 8 March 2013

How to Meditate Away the Stage Fright

These are just some tips on how to meditate away stage fright 
and help you go along with your day !!

1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.  Uncross legs and arms and fingers and toes.
2.  Close your eyes.
3. Breathe in slowly and deeply for a count of 4.
4. Exhale even slower for a count of 8.
5. Repeat 3 or 4 times and then just breathe in and out regularly without forcing the air.
6. Stay present and focused on each breath.
7. Thoughts will come into your mind.  Recognize them and let them go.
8. If you lose your place, return to the focused breath as soon as you become aware that your mind has drifted.
9. Continue for as long or as short as you feel comfortable.
10.  Try to not adjust your physicality once you begin, but if you must, do so without being self judgmental.

Stage fright:Physical Preparation 101

Stage fright:Physical Preparation 101


Our primal brain shuts down normal functions as the 'fight or flight' impulse takes over. (See FEAR under the acronyms section - warning - there is some adult content among the acronyms for training and presentations.)
But don't worry - your audience wants you to do well. They're on your side.
They're pleased it's you up there and not them.
All you need to do is be prepared and practice your material, and everything will be fine. As the saying goes, don't try to get rid of the butterflies - just get them flying in formation.
(Incidentally if you know the origins the wonderful butterfly metaphor - typically given as "There is nothing wrong with stomach butterflies! You just have to get them to fly in formation!"
So, how do you settle the butterflies and get them flying in formation?
Good preparation is the key to confidence, which is the key to you being relaxed, and this settles the butterflies.
Good preparation and rehearsal will reduce your nerves by 75%, increase the likelihood of avoiding errors to 95%. (Source: Fred Pryor Organisation, a significant provider of seminars and open presentation events.)
And so this is the most important rule for effective presentations and public speaking:
Prepare, which means plan it, and practice it.
Then you'll be in control, and confident. Your audience will see this and respond accordingly, which in turn will help build your confidence, and dare we imagine, you might even start to enjoy yourself too. Follow these steps and your sure to avoid stage fright!

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Be A Fighter!!! Beat That Stage Fright Anxiety Away

You know that feeling you get when you start somewhere or something new and feel kind of scared, lost or have no sense of belonging? Well most like your suffering from anxiety!! Don’t worry everyone has it sports players, musicians, and even performers, its that big audience or the knowing that eyes are watching.


Want to know how to be a fighter and beat that stage fright anxiety away????


Listen In !!!!!


You got to be confident and say to yourself “I can do this; everyone watching is like me, human!!” Really think to yourself how realistic your fears really are.
Will the world end??? Will you die??? Noooo!!!

Get to know your body and remember the feeling you get when you are relaxed and learn to imitate that feeling before, during and after performing. This will ensure success as it will show the viewer you are confident and know what you’re talking about.


Just like before any big game, performance or show individuals tend to practice, practice practice with no audience or little amounts of viewers, so get the chance to rehearse your performance with a friend or family member before hitting a large crowd.


Then once you have performed your now going to feel a bit better about yourself and have an increase in self confidence so continue to perform because it’s just going to allow your body to tolerate the pressure, allowing that pressure to slowly go away.


Remember relax, perform as frequently as possible, and practice makes perfect !!!


So you can be that star performer!!!

Monday 4 March 2013

performance coaching-stage fright & how to beat it!

So far we have looked at performance in relation to a number of sports, but stage fright issues can equally relate to the Performing Arts.

Even the most seasoned performer will get stage fright, some get it all the time and say that it gives an edginess to their performance which is beneficial. For others it can ruin a performance it just takes a different direction on people.

As with a lot of things preparation is the key, and firstly you will need to look at whether your preparation is the cause of stress which is causing your stage fright.
In terms of basic preparation look at things like:-
  • Do I know all of my lines / dance moves / words to a song and more importantly the meaning they must convey.
  • Do I have all my costumes or equipment ready.
  • Do you have your music and back ups. I have seen people unable to perform because of a problem with their music and not having any backups.
  • Get their on time.
  • Try not to plan anything else important for that day.
ll simple stuff you may say, but time again people cause their own stress due to not being prepared. Remember “Fail to prepare, prepare to fail”, or the  5 P’s, Poor Planning, Produces Poor Performance.
But what if your planning is fine but your mental preparation is the cause of your stage fright?
There are a number of techniques you can use to help with this, creative visualization  anchoring techniques or hypnosis.