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As a group of 4 marketing students we have been asked to put together a blog about stage fright. On a daily basis we will have postings for you related to our topic and show videos, survey questions, and some things you can do to overcome stage fright when your at school,the work force, or any type of environment.

Mike, Jeff, Chris, Bryan

Shyness & Stage Fright

Slow Breathing

slow breathing can relieve anxiety and stage fright and will prevent you from panic attacks when asked to perform a task in front of a large group of audience. most individuals are recommended to try slow breathing tactics by doctors to prevent them from dealing with stage fright.

Here are some of the steps for slow breathing:

When you are first learning slow breathing you may find it easiest to practice this technique lying flat on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the floor and eight inches apart. Place one hand on your chest and one hand on your abdomen.
Hold your breath and count to 10
Then breathe out and think’ relax’ to yourself
Then Inhale slowly through your nose for 3 seconds. The hand on your abdomen should rise whilst the hand on your chest should stay relatively still.
Then exhale through your mouth for three seconds, making a whooshing noise as you breathe out. Think “RELAX” as you exhale. The hand on your abdomen should fall as you exhale.
After a minute of breathing in and out in a six second cycle, hold your breath again for 10 seconds
Keep repeating this process for 5 minutes.

Hope this helps all of you with overcoming stage fright !

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