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As a group of 4 marketing students we have been asked to put together a blog about stage fright. On a daily basis we will have postings for you related to our topic and show videos, survey questions, and some things you can do to overcome stage fright when your at school,the work force, or any type of environment.

Mike, Jeff, Chris, Bryan

Where am I?

Stage fright has includes a lot of factors. People may be scared of presenting in front of a certain group of people, some maybe not feel comfortable stepping up and speaking in general, even if it is in a familiar setting such as family and friends. Being uncomfortable in a particular setting is also a major issue in public speaking/stage fright that should be thoroughly looked into. 

Unfamiliarity with a location can cause serious anxiety problems and it could lead to the person avoiding that situation because they could begin to think of it as a hostile position to be in, so they will avoid it at all costs. 

Some ways to step up to your fears and beat them

  • Start by acknowledging it: By owning your feelings you've taken the first step toward gaining control over the situation.
  • Define its contours: If you can clearly see the shape of your fear, you'll be able to recognize when its affecting you and handle it more effectively
  • Imagine the outcome you desire. Now that you completely understand your fear, think about what exactly you want to change. You already have your big goal set - you want to overcome your fear - but it's important to set smaller concrete goals to help you get there
  • JUST DO IT!: You've set your goals, now its time to go out there and accomplish them. If you fail, get back up, tweak your set goals, and just keep fighting because eventually, your fears will be beat 

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