About Us

As a group of 4 marketing students we have been asked to put together a blog about stage fright. On a daily basis we will have postings for you related to our topic and show videos, survey questions, and some things you can do to overcome stage fright when your at school,the work force, or any type of environment.

Mike, Jeff, Chris, Bryan

Friday 8 March 2013

How to Meditate Away the Stage Fright

These are just some tips on how to meditate away stage fright 
and help you go along with your day !!

1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.  Uncross legs and arms and fingers and toes.
2.  Close your eyes.
3. Breathe in slowly and deeply for a count of 4.
4. Exhale even slower for a count of 8.
5. Repeat 3 or 4 times and then just breathe in and out regularly without forcing the air.
6. Stay present and focused on each breath.
7. Thoughts will come into your mind.  Recognize them and let them go.
8. If you lose your place, return to the focused breath as soon as you become aware that your mind has drifted.
9. Continue for as long or as short as you feel comfortable.
10.  Try to not adjust your physicality once you begin, but if you must, do so without being self judgmental.

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